2023 proved to be a very successful year for my practice and I owe a huge debt of gratitude to all the wonderful patients who were a part of that journey.
Academic meetings
I was honoured to be invited to speak at the British Association of Sclerotherapists first in-person academic meeting since the cancellations that followed the 2020 Covid outbreak. My subject was “How to Investigate Venous Ulceration” and my presentation detailed how to properly assess the superficial and deep venous systems with Duplex Ultrasound and then use that information to direct treatment decisions. The presentation was so well received that afterwards I was asked to speak at the Royal Society of Medicine’s Venous Forum meeting a couple of months later. I was delighted to speak on “Endovenous Laser Ablation, Foam Sclerotherapy or a combination of both: How I decide which treatment to use” in front of a very distinguished audience of vascular surgeons. Once again, before that meeting had ended, I was approached by members of the Vascular Society of Great Britain and Ireland and was asked to join the faculty at a training day in the autumn. Here I delivered a talk on how to do Venous Duplex Ultrasound the right way and lead a hands-on training station in Ultrasound assessment of varicose veins.
Visitors to the site will see that I have been invited to join the Top Doctors network. This is a select service that offers diary management, collection of feedback and a platform for academic material to a select few clinicians who meet their high standards. Their prestigious Certificate of Excellence was awarded late in 2023.
The National Press
All this attention did not go unnoticed and I have been asked to provide a series of editorials on Varicose Veins and Venous Disease for The Daily Telegraph and The Independent. The first of those articles have been published already with more to follow in 2024. For those who missed it the full text is below.
Varicose veins and venous disease – Published in the Daily Telegraph on 6th and 13th January 2024
Around three quarters of all people in the United Kingdom will be affected by venous disease in their lifetime. The most common presentation is with thread veins or varicose veins, sometimes just on one leg and sometimes on both. For a large number of sufferers there is often little in the way of symptoms. However, thread veins and varicose veins are very common source of cosmetic concern.
For others, varicose veins can cause a wide range of symptoms. Aching, throbbing and heaviness in the lower legs are very common. Itchiness in the skin overlying veins is usually a sign that veins are becoming more severe. Leg swelling, night cramps and restless legs can be due to varicose veins. Skin damage and ultimately ulceration can occur in the most severe cases.
All varicose veins can now be treated with simple non-surgical procedures. Laser ablation is often the best treatment for varicose veins. It is quick and easy to perform and does not require a general anaesthetic. Sclerotherapy injections are often performed as part of this treatment. Foam Sclerotherapy can also be performed as an alternative treatment for patients who are not suitable for EVLT. These procedures are carried out on an outpatient basis using local anaesthetic and usually take less than 45 minutes.